Friday 3 August 2012

In God's time...not our time!

A lesson learned by the building committee this week.  On Monday we had our weekly meeting concerning the different houses that are being built in Phase 4.  We have had our share of problems already with this phase but on Monday it was kinda like the straw that broke the camel's back.  One of the houses was not being built due to a miscommunication with the family who was selling land in a certain area.  One of the brothers went ahead and sold more property then he should of, not getting consent from the rest of the family.  The foreman had started digging the foundations of the house and was told to stop.  We had a meeting with the home owner that afternoon and it seemed like it would take weeks to solve this situation.  At that same meeting we found out that bags of cement had gone missing in an enclosed yard of another home thus not allowing the building crew to continue working.  The home owners had no idea how it had gone missing and were not claiming responsibility for the missing material.  This was the end of a longer list of problems that had happened with this phase so far.  Like at most meetings we lifted our concerns up to the LORD wanting answers right away so we could continue with the work that was given to us.

But this did not happen, once again it was a lesson to be learned by all of MY time, not your time!! On Wednesday we had another meeting, this time the home owners of the missing cement also came.  It was during this time that the LORD answered our prayers.  We came to a compromise with the home owners.  We also heard from the home owners with the land dispute issues that the family selling the land gave them a different piece of property.  This also was an answer to pray.  We wanted things done when we wanted them done.  But God's will is the way we need to live our lives and once again each one of the building committee realized that God is in control, this is His project and we are working for Him, (Psalm 127:1). 

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