Wednesday 27 March 2013

The Letter "T"

This blog is brought to you by the letter "T" and the numbers 2 and 8. Why you may ask? Well, the first "T" word we have for you is...


Our little man got his first 2 teeth yesterday. They are just barely poking through the gums, but they are there :)

And the second "T" word comes with the number 8. 
Any guesses.
I'll give you a has 8 legs!
Yep, you guessed it...


This big hairy spider was in our backyard this morning.  The picture is after it's untimely death by looked about 3 times as big when it had its legs spread out...

Chloe wanted to touch it, but I said no.  Here is a picture with her hand to give some perspective for the size.
Ugh.  I hate spiders.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Joel! Clever boy knows how to grow teeth! I'm with you on the spider thing. What a brave soul you are for going out with only a broom to protect you!
